Monday, August 29, 2005

Tugging the Apron Strings

When he was born, seasoned parents would tell us, "Enjoy these times, it goes by so fast!" Through the fog of my sleep deprived eyes, I could only nod and try to restrain my urge to scream! It's hard to be reasonable when you've not had a decent night of rest for months!

Today, he started first grade! Ok, I admit, "it" did go fast! As I unpacked some crayons and school ecrutement I neatly arranged them in his desk and told him to keep it this way! (I know it lasted until Miss Doherty said "open your desks"!) He sat down in his seat and observed his new classmates. I stood behind him wondering if I should leave or stay. His brother stood out in the hallway, scowling. I kissed him good bye and told him I loved him. His look said, "I'll be fine!" I was in a slight daze for the next few hours because my first born just started all day school! I tried to get his pre-school age brother to articulate that he was missing his brother too. All he could say is "I'm hungry". (He was scowling because I made him leave the house before he finished his breakfast.)
I feel like I've entered into a new phase! What the phase is, I'm not sure! It's new. The apron strings are not so tight.


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